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Plantcestral re-Membrance: Honoring our Ancestors and the Lands we Live on

All over the world, fall is regarded as the season of the ancestors. Veils are thin, and the energy of the earth is deepening back into the roots and seeds where life originates from. It is my FAVORITE season, and taking cues from the natural world, it is an excellent time to deepen and nourish our OWN roots and origins as well. 

In this series, we will partner intentionally with native and ancestral plants to cultivate resilience, deepen relationship, and nourish healing for ourselves, our lineages, and the Tongva lands that nourish us daily. We will engage in an introductory practice of "Plantcestral re-Membrance", an honoring way of building relationships with our plant allies to support us as agents of memory, healing, and consciousness connecting us to the wisdom and resilience of our ancestors still alive inside of us. 

In this series, we will:
* Honor and acknowledge our ancestors and the ones whose land we are living on (we will offer an altar on our first day of class, the same week as Dia de los Muertos)
* Tend and deepen relationship with both Tongva & ancestral plants respective to our own lineage
* Learn how to be in respectful relationship with plants as medicinal and spiritual allies
* Learn how to work with plants as allies for ancestral healing and memory
* Deepen our intuition and honor the knowledge within our own bodies & relationships
* Learn and share with each other about a few medicinal plants
* Start to identify plantcestral allies to support our own resilience
* Engage these healing practices in a community of support



This is a 3 class series which will take place in Los Angeles, CA on Wed Nov 1, 15, and 29 from 6-9pm. Participants commit to coming to every class and participating in the material in between. 

$159 for full series, all materials included.
Must send an email to plus deposit of $59 by OCTOBER 27th to secure your spot. Send payment via friend/family option to
Remaining $100 due before the start of first class. 

(If you need an alternative payment plan or other arrangement, talk to me privately.)

Only 15 spaces available. 

This class is open to respectful people of ALL ETHNICITIES. 

ALL River Rose classes are queer and trans inclusive and uplift the experiences of indigenous, femme, and POC communities and ways of knowing and being. 

Accessibility info and other space related details will be announced later. They are still in the works.